Wednesday, 20 January 2016

The Six Most Likely Characters To Die In Susicde Squad

The Sucide Squad Movie comes out in August, and with the recent trailer a lot more has been revealed about the movie. So I have come up with the six characters I feel like are going to kick the bucket in the movie. Keep in mind that these are mere speculations.

6. Rick Flag

Joel Kinnaman is set to portray Rick Flag in the movie. Now you may be thinking why the only "good" guy on the Suicide could die. Well you see from what I have heard is that Rick Flag and Will Smith's Deadshot will be both working as the leader of the team, so it would make sense that one of them would die. I see it it going down something like Rick sacrificing himself to save the rest of the team, which will leave Deadshot to lead the team, and bring the team to victory in honour of Rick's memory. Actually though I hope he survives to lead the team on another mission.

5. Captain Boomerang

Captain Boomerang is set to be played by Jai Courtney. Based on the trailer he will be the comical relief for the team, and there is nothing sadder then seeing the laughing man die. Captain Boomerang has been a iconic member since its inception, which would make it seem unlikely for the character to guy. Yet his skills are not exactly the easiest to show the usefulness in a movie.

4. Killer Crock

The obvious muscle of the group. Set to be portrayed by Adewale Akinnouye-Agbaje, much of the character has yet to be relieved although based on the trailer it seems like he will have abit more savage way of dealing with things. DC has plenty of muscle bound villians, so it wouldn't be that hard to find a character to replace the Croc. 

3. Enchantress

Cara Delevingne's enchantress is set bring something to the DC movies. Magic. From the information I know of it sounds like she will be part of the Suicide Squad, but could she be the reason the Suicide Squad is need for the job in the first place. If she is playing the side of the antagonists then it is more then likely that the Suicide Squad will try and kill her.

2. El Diablo

El Diablo is being played by Jay Hernandez. He is a very minor character, and many have taken up the name of El Diablo. The movie incarnation appears to have some pyromancer related powers, it is unknown where his powers are coming from, wether that be sci-fi or mystical. Although it would seem like they are mystical. Not having a lot of exposure would make it seem like he will be one of the possibly many to die.

1. SlipKnot

Oh Slipknot you are the most likely to die. Adam Reach will be taking on the role of SlipKnot, so he is going to have bring his a game if he wants to be memorable. SlipKnot is the least known character in the movie, in my opionion. Worst part of all is that you he won't even get to go out in a blaze of glory, odds are he will. I'm suspecting that he will be the character to die inorder to demonstrate the way the Suicide Squad works, what with the whole bomb in neck thing, and the die if you don't follow orders thing.

So there you go. Do you have any characters you suspect to die? or are there any that you want to die?

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